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Heading to an Early Fall?

Well its mid August and the leaves on some of the trees are already starting to turn colour because of the hot, dry conditions. It has been 2 months without rain now and while there is a little in the forecast it is likely too little too late for many of our non irrigated deciduous trees.

So with the potential onset of an early fall, our tasks have switched to preparing for fall and winter. What do some of these tasks entail?

  • Assembling the indoor aquaponics to continue growing our herbs and other veggies that are in our greenhouse
  • Installing our irrigation framework
  • Harvesting our small veggie patch
  • Spade trees that are at our max spading size.
  • Ordering mulch to burry the more sensitive potted plants (roses for example)
  • Winterize all equipment
  • Winterize irrigation system
  • Complete servicing on skid steer, tractor, tree spade, truck, and trailers
  • Complete fall clean up and bed prep for new planting areas.

So lots of work occurring behind the scenes that goes into supporting the whole opperation.

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